Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

Reading Evaluation for intermediate-Upper Intermediate

1st Web for Reading Evaluation
by Irma Fitriani
the homepage of the web

TeachYa is the site where teachers and students can find free website for learning English. The websites are categorize according to the level and language area, so every learner from beginner to advanced can get what they need. The users also could select many kinds of learning source here, such as pronunciation, grammar, exercises, games, quizzes, audio, and video. 

Specifically for reading and its evaluation, you can read some article and try many tests. It provides many theme and takes from many good resources such as library, famous book, top websites, and literature.
If you already choose which level belong to your skill, you can choose which article was taken from, most of them taken from UK, the other from US, and a few from Canada. Then you will find many article, finally you can hear the audio and do the test.

 The reason why I promote this web is because it provide many good article, in every level, also you not only improve your reading skill but also the other skill include practice high standard test such as Cambridge Test, IELTS, Trinity, TOEFL, and TOEIC.

Try this web, and finding free English language resources has never been easier! 

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