Kamis, 25 April 2013

The Language Lab

The Language Lab
By: Irma Fitriani

the appereance of the web

Just like its name this web is a place where you can enrich you language skill through reading the current issues and do some exercise. This web provides you in three language, British English, American English, and France. make sure you choose the England or America flag. 
There are four main sub menu on the web, there are lesson menu where you can find a lot of reading text, games menu where you can try to play a crossword, forum menu where teachers can share ideas and have discussion among other teacher from around the world, FAQ-Forum Answer and Question, where you could find the answer of your question about the web.

Finally I can say that, if you just spend 15 minutes of your time each day to explore and try this web you will have better skill in reading and vocabulary.


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